by Sarah Jio, Vitamin G, Glamour Magazine, on Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:03am PDT
Need more energy? Here are some really surprising, non-caffeinated, ways to rev you up...
by Sarah Jio, Vitamin G, Glamour Magazine, on Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:03am PDT
Need more energy? Here are some really surprising, non-caffeinated, ways to rev you up...
1. Change your socks. I know, odd, right? I read about this one over at Zen Habits. The advice is to bring an extra pair of socks to work and sometime around 3 p.m. when you hit your slump, take off your shoes and socks (and maybe air out your feet for a sec if you have a private office; if you don't, that would be a nada) and then put a fresh pair of socks on. Voila! "You'll be amazed at how much fresher you'll feel," write the Zen Habits bloggers. "This trick is especially handy on days with lots of walking."
2. Rethink your workout time. If you tend to work out at night, it might be messing with your sleep. Here's why: Experts believe that people who work out too close to their bedtimes may flood their brains with stress hormones that can make it hard to fall asleep. A workout doesn't do a body good when it leaves you sluggish and exhausted the next day because it prevented you from getting enough sleep.
3. Eat chia seeds. Favored by the Aztecs for their energy-boosting qualities, you can add these little seeds (P.S. we're not talking about the Chia Pet here) to all kinds of snacks and recipes. Here's a chia seed muffin recipe that looks interesting.
4. Sniff some citrus. Past research indicates that citrus-scented essential oils or lotions can boost alertness. There, you have an excuse to shop for some grapefruit-scented lotion!5. Get on your toes. If you're feeling sleepy at your desk, take the advice of Connie Tyne, executive director of the Cooper Wellness Program in Dallas, who says the best way to wake up your circulatory system is to roll up and down on your toes. "As the blood starts flowing, more nourishing oxygen and glucose are transported throughout your body -- so you feel more energized," said Tyne, to Quick&Simple.